The nutritional value of zucchini
The zucchini is also known as a gourd. An annual climbing herb of the family Cucurbitaceae is a variant of melon. Zaguai is native to southern China and is one of the specialty vegetables in China. It has a long history of cultivation in Lingnan and has a large cultivation area. In Hainan, it has been cultivated for many years.
The zucchini is mainly eaten with tender fruit, and mature fruits are also edible. Per kilogram of flesh contains 938 grams of water, protein 7 grams, carbohydrate 5 grams, vitamin C690 milligrams.
The zucchini is commonly known as small melon. Because of its small plant shape, early maturity, strong resistance, and storage and transportation, it is suitable for winter cultivation in protected areas and early spring cultivation. Therefore, the cultivation area in Shandong has developed rapidly. The products are sold to Beijing and Tianjin during the winter and spring seasons. There is a possibility of replacing the winter melon in the cultivation of the spring field.