Health keeps wine away

For a long period of time, China’s wine consumption exceeded that of milk, but only in the last two years due to limited production of liquor and increased milk consumption, wine production was slightly lower than that of milk.

The main ingredient of alcohol is alcohol. Its chemical name is ethanol, which is a kind of pure carbohydrate. After it enters the body, it does not contain any other nutrients except energy. After drinking, about 20% of alcohol is absorbed directly in the stomach, and the remaining 80% is absorbed quickly after entering the small intestine. Alcohol absorbed into the blood can reach all parts of the body and can enter the cells. The most affected is the brain. Dizziness, loud speech, drowsiness, and uncontrollable behavior after drinking are alcoholic damage to the brain. Children and children are in a period of growth and development, and their brain functions are easily affected by harmful factors. If they drink alcohol regularly, they will cause memory loss, mental retardation and mental development. Alcohol in the liver, under the action of enzymes, is hydrolyzed to acetaldehyde, acetic acid, and finally metabolized to carbon dioxide and water. Acetaldehyde and acetic acid are harmful substances to the human body. Adults who drink too much and exceed the detoxification function of the liver will cause damage to the liver and develop alcoholic cirrhosis. The liver function of children and teenagers is not as good as that of adults. The activities of two enzymes that have the function of breaking down alcohol are low, and drinking alcohol is more likely to damage liver function and health.