Winter and spring green broccoli after planting management

Green cauliflower, also known as broccoli and broccoli, is cultivated in late winter from late November to early December in greenhouses in northern China. It is planted from late January to early February and harvested from late March to early April. The main points of management after planting are as follows:

One, watering

Planting water when planting, planting water is sufficient when the water can not be seedlings, strengthen the cultivator plan, promote root development. Before and after flower bud differentiation and flower bulb hypertrophy require large amounts of water, avoid excessive dryness.

Second, fertilization

The green broccoli needs a large amount of fertilizer, and the lack of fertilizer plants grows poorly, the flower bulbs are small, and the quality is poor. The fertilization of green cauliflower should master the principles of “pre-promotion, central control, and post-attack”. That is, early application of nitrogen fertilizer to promote growth, medium-term control prosperous, flower buds re-fertilizer growth period, and increased phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. General focus dressing three times:

For the first time: When the seedlings grow 10-12 leaves (20-30 days for planting and survival), 10 kg of urea, 5 kg of calcium hydrogen phosphate, and 5 kg of potassium chloride are applied to the Mu point.

The second time: Before and after 17-20 true leaves, before and after flower bud differentiation, Mushi 7 kg of urea, 5 kg of calcium hydrogen phosphate, and 5 kg of potassium chloride.

The third time: 10 kg of calcium hydrogen phosphate, 5 kg of urea, and 5 kg of potassium chloride when budding. After budding, 0.2% borax and 0.5% urea mixed solution can also be used for foliar spraying.

Third, temperature management

After the winter and spring cultivation, planting should pay attention to heat preservation, and the temperature in the late stage of growth is high, and attention should be paid to cooling. The principle of management is: from the time of planting until the seedlings require a higher temperature, heat preservation and moisturizing are needed to promote seedlings, and the temperature during the day is kept at 20°C-25°C and 15°C at night. Ventilation is strengthened after the planting of the seedlings, and the temperature is appropriately lowered. Generally, the temperature is kept between 18°C ​​and 22°C during the day and 15°C and 20°C during the rosette period. Formation of flower bulbs requires relatively cool climatic conditions during the development period, generally 15°C-18°C during the day.

IV. Pest Control

1. Disease prevention and control. The common diseases in the cultivation are black rot. In the early stage of the disease, 14% solution of collaborative ammonia copper water is sprayed at 4000 times, sprayed once every 7-10 days, and sprayed 2-3 times. Cultivation should avoid cruciferous vegetables, especially cabbage vegetables; timely removal of old yellow leaves, diseased leaves; strengthen field fertilizer and water management, drought drainage, and enhance disease resistance.

2. Pest control. The main pests of green cauliflower include maggots, diamondback moths, and ground tigers. A yellow locust can be used to kill aphids; a sweet and sour liquid basin is set under a black light to trap and kill adult moths such as the diamondback moth; for ground pests such as ground tigers, it is possible to apply phoxim granules between the plants in the evening.

V. timely recovery

The suitable harvest time of green cauliflower is short and must be harvested in time. If harvesting is too early, the buds have not yet fully developed, the flower bulbs are small and the yield is low. If the collection is too late, the buds are loose, yellow, and the quality is reduced. Timely harvesting standards are: full growth of flower bulbs, dark green color, buds are neat and harvested when not yet open. When harvesting, it is cut off together with a ten-thousand-thick fresh flower stem, leaving 3-4 young leaves to protect the flower ball from contamination and damage. After the main flower bulb is harvested, topdressing and watering are performed, and the buds can grow lateral branches. Generally, 2-3 side pods are left, and buds can be produced on the top. This can be harvested 2-3 times in succession.

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