Milking should pay attention

First, the milker must always trim his nails, put on a uniform before milking, wash his hands, wash the arm after each cow is finished, and wash the hands with 0.1% bleach.

Second, the use of milk before and after the use must be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, milk barrels and pads must be cleaned, rinse with cold water, then rinse with warm water, then use 0.5 caustic soda (45 °C) to wash clean and rinse with water, then Steam sterilization. The rubber product is cleaned and disinfected with disinfectant.

Third, the milking environment should be kept quiet, the attitude of the cattle is ambiguous. Before the milking, the oxen tail is to be raised. The hindquarters, the abdomen and the oxtail of the cattle body should be cleaned. Then the warm water of 45-50° C. should be used to scrub the breasts and nipples in sequence. At the bottom of the breast, in the middle of the ditch, in the left and right breast area, and in the breast mirror, a wet towel with water can be used at the beginning, and then the towel can be twisted to dry the breast from the bottom up.

Fourth, the breasts should be massaged after washing, until the breasts are swollen, milk veins are bloated, and when milk reflections occur, milking should begin. The first squeezed milk contains more bacteria and should be discarded. It is forbidden to use milk or vaseline to wipe the nipples during milking. After milking, the breasts should be massaged again. Then, the other hand at the bottom of the milk area holds the milk in the other hand. After 5 months of gestation, the first trimester cows should undergo breast massage every 5 minutes and stop 10-15 days before delivery.

Fifth, manual milking should use a fist-grip type, and begin to use lighter weight, and the speed is slightly slower. When the row of milk is exuberant, the speed should be increased. The pressure should be squeezed 80-120 times per minute, and the amount of milk per minute is not less than 1.5 kg.

Sixth, each milking must be squeezed, first squeeze healthy cows, after the sick cows are squeezed, milk squeezed clean, dry the breasts, soak the nipples with disinfectant.

7. Carefully make milk production records. Freshly squeezed milk must be filtered through filters or multi-layer gauze. Filtered milk should be cooled to below 4°C within 2 hours and stored in cold storage. The gauze used for filtration should be washed and disinfected after each use, and should be replaced regularly to keep it clean and hygienic.

In addition, attention must be paid to training milking personnel and should be relatively stable and should not be easily replaced.

Greenhouse A Hydroponics

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