Initial processing of Chinese medicinal materials
2018-06-02 01:02:11
1, the processing of seed medicines. The general fruit is directly dried, threshed, and collected after harvesting. Some medicinal herbs are to be seeded or peeled, such as wolfberry and cassia seed; some of them are required to break the core, and the seed kernels are removed for medicinal use, such as almonds, wild jujube kernels, etc.; some are steamed to destroy the enzymes that are liable to deteriorating and discoloring the medicinal materials. Such as Schisandra, Ligustrum lucidum. 2, the processing of flower herbs. In order to maintain the bright colors of flowers and flowers, the flowers should be placed in a ventilated place to dry out or dried quickly at low temperature to avoid the loss of active ingredients and maintain a strong aroma, such as safflower, honeysuckle, roses, Rose flowers and so on. Very few species need to be steamed before drying, such as Chrysanthemum. 3, the processing of fruit medicine. After harvesting, the general fruit herbs can be directly dried or dried. However, large and difficult-to-dried herbs, such as bergamot, lime, and papaya, should be cut first and then dried. Medicinal materials such as dried tangerine peel, hawthorn, etc., should be first dried, dried, or peeled after peeling. . In addition, some herbs, such as ebony, must be baked, smoked and processed. 4, the processing of leather medicine. After harvesting, it is usually freshly cut into pieces or pieces and dried. However, some species should be freshly scraped off after the harvest cork, and then dried, such as paeonol, alfalfa root bark, yellow board skin; some bark herbs should be slightly hot after boiling water, plus code Stacked to make it "sweat", and other endothelium into a purple-brown, and then steamed soft scrape cork, and then cut into wire, film or roll into a tube, and then dried, such as cinnamon, Magnolia officinalis, Eucommia, and so on. 5. Processing of whole herbs and leafy herbs. After harvesting, it should be placed in a ventilated place to dry or dry, especially herbs containing aromatic essential oils such as peppermint, catmint, musk, etc. Avoid sun exposure to avoid loss of active ingredients; some whole herbs are not dried out Should be tied into small bundles before, and then dry to dry, such as basil, mint, broken blood flow and so on. Some fleshy leaves with higher water content, such as purslane, sagebrush, etc., should be slightly hot with boiling water before drying. 6. Processing of root and underground stem herbs. After harvesting these medicinal materials, it is generally necessary to wash the soil first to remove fibrous roots, reed heads, and residual foliage. Then size and grading, freshly cut into pieces or sections, and then dried or dried. Such as white peony, ginseng, Achyranthes, etc.; some succulent, high water content roots, bulbs such as Asparagus, one hundred, etc., should be slightly hot with boiling water, and then cut into pieces dried or baked For rough and hard-to-dried crude rhizomes, such as Scrophulariaceae, Pueraria, etc., should be freshly sliced, and then dried; For dried hard to peel the herbs, such as paeonol, Campanulaceae, etc. should be freshly scraped cork; Those herbal medicines containing starch and sap, such as Gastrodia elata and Dioscorea, should be steamed freshly, then sliced ​​and dried. Some species such as Radix et Rhizoma and Radix Codonopsis should first be put into boiling water to be a little hot, then shaved, washed, and dried; in addition, herbs such as Salvia miltiorrhiza and Radix Scrophulariae must first be boiled and boiled, and then repeatedly “sweatedâ€. To be completely dry, but also some herbs such as yam, Fritillaria, etc. must be fumigation with sulfur can be faster and dry, to maintain the color white, powdery enough, and can disinfect, kill insects, anti-virus.