The benefits of pasture blending

Maintaining the stability of yield The pastures with different growth years and different growth and lifespans are mixed, and the time factor can be fully utilized to make forage grasses grow faster and the grassland use period is prolonged. For pasture mixed species with different heights, natural plants can be used. The structure of the layer structure and the distribution of the root groups of the community make full use of spatial factors to increase the utilization of light energy and land resources. Forage grasses and grasses with different growth habits can use the laws of mutual help among species in natural plant communities to fully utilize biological factors. Avoid a single loss of pasture due to changes in environmental factors, weed pests. It can improve the quality of feed. Mixed species of grass can make forage ingredients more uniform, better palatability, reduce waste, increase the utilization of pasture. Forage legumes are often caused by animal herniation, and mixed forages can avoid this danger. Legume grass mixed with gramineous grasses, compared with a single gramineous pasture grass protein content. Easily harvested and prepared. Mixture of alfalfa or entwined pastures and upright pastures to prevent lodging and facilitate harvesting, facilitating the modulation and silage of hay. The stems and leaves of gramineous pasture have less water content, the water loss is more uniform, and it is not easy to fall off; the leguminous pasture has more water content, and the water content of stems and leaves is larger, the drying time is long and uneven, and it is easy to dissipate in the modulated hay. Mixing of the two, the loss of drying in the drying of hay is relatively small, which is conducive to the sustainable production of pasture grasses. The combination of forage grasses can increase the amount of soil organic matter, contribute to the formation of soil aggregates, make the soil water and fertilizer, and increase soil fertility. Can improve post-production and quality. China Agricultural Network Editor

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