Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus using wheat straw and poultry manure

The Agaricus bisporus, also known as White Mushroom and Oceanic Mushroom, has a very high nutritional price and a good market prospect. The use of wheat straw livestock and poultry manure for the production of Agaricus bisporus has little investment and high efficiency, and has great potential for development. Mancheng County is a major county for grain production and has abundant wheat straw resources. The climate is also suitable for the growth of Agaricus bisporus. In 2008, the area of ​​2500 acres of Agaricus bisporus planted in Mancheng County was combined with the actual production in this county. The main points of the cultivation techniques of Agaricus bisporus were summarized as follows:

1 mushroom shed setting

Mushroom sheds south and faces east and west. Choose a shed with a flat open terrain and plenty of sunlight. There should be no chicken houses, pig pens, cattle sheds, forages, and hay piled nearby. Shed width 5 ~ 7 m, length 30 ~ 50 m. When multiple mushroom sheds are built on the same site, the distance between the front and rear rows of mushroom sheds should be 4-6 m to prevent light from being affected.

2 Composting and Fermentation of Raw Materials

2.1 Preparation. Calculated with a cultivation area of ​​100 m2, wheat straw 2000 kg, dried chicken manure 500 kg, urea 5 kg, bran 50 kg, gypsum 25 kg, calcium superphosphate 10 kg, calcium carbonate 25 kg, lime 50 kg, and enzymes 8 to 10 kg.

2.2 Build a heap. In mid-to-late July, 2 to 5 days before the construction of the pile, wheat straw, livestock and poultry manure were pre-wetted, and the humidity was 4 to 5 drops of water in the hands and fingers of livestock and poultry. When the straw was twisted by hand, there was water drop. According to the North-South pile, about 30cm thick, 2m wide, depending on the length of the venue and raw materials. Then put a layer of manure on the wheat straw to cover the wheat straw. Sprinkle a thin layer of enzyme bacteria and wheat bran, then spread 30cm wheat straw, sprinkle with a layer of manure and enzyme bacteria and bran. This stacks up one by one until the pile reaches about 1.5m.

2.3 Turn over. After the first 3 to 4 days after the construction of the pile, the first turning operation was performed. The piles were switched from top to bottom, and from inside to outside. During the first turn, peat and gypsum powder were thrown in layers and watered to adjust the humidity to a slight amount of water out of the material. After the first turnover, 4~5d, when the reactor temperature rose to about 75oC, it began to decline for the second time. During the turn, the limestone was thrown in layers to make the pH of the material 7.5~8. After 4~5d, the 3rd pile is piled. 3~4d after the 3rd stack, the maturity of the compost is checked. If the fermentation is decomposed, the 4th pile is not needed.

3 timely sowing

When the temperature of the material drops below 28°C, it can be sowed. The hooks, basins and other tools used before sowing are sterilized with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution on the outer wall of the strainer bottle. In general, the soy cultivars are sowed by sowing. The method is to use 2/3 bacteria to spread the material evenly on the material, use the wood to lightly make the material embedded in the material, and spread 1/3 of the bacteria on the surface, and tap the material. Face, generally 1m2 per bottle of wheat germ.

4 Post-seeding management

4.1 temperature and humidity. Within 3 days after sowing, it is mainly moisturizing. The growth of mycelia is suitable for temperature 20°C~25°C and relative humidity 70% ~75%.

4.2 Cover soil. 16 to 20 days after sowing, cover soil. Should choose rich humus content, medium fertility, pH between 6.5 ~ 7.5 loam. Before covering the soil, the material surface should be gently scratched, and the surface mycelium should be broken to increase the amount of mycelium growing on the soil layer. Then, the material surface can be patted with a wooden board to make the thickness of the covering layer uniform. According to the soil condition of Mancheng, the local soil can be taken. It is better to use the soil on the sidewalk in the shed to cover the soil with a thickness of 3.5 to 4 cm.

4.3 Management after earth covering.

4.3.1 knot mushroom water. When the mycelium is covered with about 80% of the soil, when the temperature drops to about 18°C, the mushroom water can be tied. When the hyphae generally grow into the earth seam for a large amount of ventilation for 2 to 3 days, the linear hyphae begin to kink and produce primordium, which means that the mushroom water should be smashed in time. Generally, 2.5 kg of water is used per square meter, which is divided into 2 shots. After spraying the mushroom water, it was ventilated for 2 days and then the ventilation was reduced.

4.3.2 Sprinkle mushroom water. When the young shoots in the soil layer generally grow to green beans and soybeans, they must be sprayed with mushroom water. The water for mushrooming is 2.5 kg per square meter and is sprayed in 5 to 6 shots. After spraying water, the ventilation of the mushroom shed was gradually reduced, the air humidity of the mushroom shed was increased, and the relative humidity was kept between 85% and 90%.

5 Autumn Mushroom Management

The Agaricus bisporus from the sowing to harvest generally takes about 35 days, autumn is the ideal season for the production of Agaricus bisporus, grasping the management of autumn mushrooms is the key to seize high yield, the management focus is:

5.1 Water Management. The focus is on the water spray on the cover soil and the air humidity inside the mushroom shed. When the mushroom grows to the size of the bean, it sprays heavy water once. Sprayed in divided doses, sprayed twice a day for 2 days, with a water consumption of about 2.5 kg/m2.

5.2 ventilation. Autumn Mushrooms have high temperatures at the early stage and have a strong respiration. It is necessary to increase ventilation to reduce the temperature of the shed. When the temperature is above 18 °C, ventilation should be taken in the morning and at night. The temperature in the late fall period of autumn mushrooms should be reduced. The amount of ventilation should be reduced and the insulation work should be done well.

5.3 Finish the bed. When each tidal mushroom is harvested, the bed should be sorted out in time to remove the old roots and dead mushrooms on the bed surface, immediately cover the moist fine soil, and then spray water. After harvesting the first and second tides, the fall mushroom should promptly loosen the soil layer on the bed to make the hyphae of the compaction break, and promote the tide and fruiting.

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