Vitamin B12 efficacy

Vitamin B12, also known as red vitamin, is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin containing major minerals; it is difficult to be absorbed by the body. Need to be combined with calcium in the absorption, can be beneficial to the body's functional activities; in the human diet, vitamin B12 is the main source of animal food, for plant foods (except very few) are free of vitamin B12. The recommended daily intake for adults is 2mcg. 2.2mcg during pregnancy and 2.6mcg intake during lactation;
The intake of vitamin B family is small, but when they eat more foods (vegetables) with folic acid, deficiency of vitamin B [12] is easily caused;
When the function of the thyroid gland is normal, the absorption of vitamin B [12] can also proceed smoothly.
Deficiency of B12 occurs only after 5 years of total depletion of vitamin B12 in the body;
First, the effectiveness of vitamin B12:
1. Promote the formation and regeneration of red blood cells and prevent anemia;
2. Promote child development and increase appetite;
3. Strengthen physical strength;
4. Maintain the normal function of the nervous system;
5. Make fats, carbohydrates and proteins suitable for use in the body;
6. Eliminate irritability;
7. To focus attention and improve memory and balance.
Second, vitamin B12 deficiency: Pernicious anemia, brain disorders.
Third, foods rich in vitamin B12: animal liver, beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese.
Fourth, the side effects of vitamin B12: No report was found about the side effects of vitamin B12.
Fifth, vitamin B12 recommendations:
1. Vegetarians who do not eat eggs and dairy products must supplement vitamin B12;
2. If you regularly drink and drink a lot, then vitamin B12 supplementation is very important;
3. When taken together with folic acid, vitamin B12 can produce the best effect, and it can quickly rejuvenate people;
4. People who eat protein foods must take more vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is complementary to other B vitamins and vitamins A, E, and C;
5. Older people often have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 and must be supplemented by injections;
6. It is very beneficial to take vitamin B12 and other B vitamins at the same time during menstruation or before menstruation.

Functional Series