The composition of turtle aquaculture environment

The industrialized greenhouse cultivation of turtle turtles is divided into two parts: the indoor space environment and the aquatic environment. They are both independent and relevant, so it is important to understand their respective environmental features and functions and to make scientific adjustments to the future environment.
1. Characteristics and Functions of Industrialized Greenhouse Space Environment The industrialized greenhouse space environment refers to the entire environmental space of aquaculture water to greenhouse sheds. When the space environment is undergoing aquaculture production, environmental factors that affect aquaculture include temperature, humidity, odor, and light. And disturbed, etc. Regardless of the form, due to the different distances between the space environment and the outdoor and indoor water environment, the impact on the aquaculture is also different. Therefore, the space environment functions and features can be divided into three levels: the top area, the middle area, and the bottom area. .
1.1 The top area. The top area refers to the space environment 50cm below the roof. The environment in the top area is most affected by changes in the indoor and outdoor environment, especially in those lighting greenhouses with poor heat insulation. When the indoor heating stops, the temperature in this area is greatly affected by the external climate, as in November 2000. When a temperature field in a greenhouse was measured in Shanghai, a temperature change in the ceiling area was found to be a few times that in the top layer, especially in the time between 3 o'clock and 6 o'clock and at 9 o'clock and 13 o'clock. prominent. For example, when the outdoor sun shines at 12 o'clock on the same day, the room temperature of the top floor is as high as 76 degrees Celsius and the bottom layer is as low as 33 degrees Celsius. However, this phenomenon tends to be moderated in the closed greenhouse where insulation is better. Similarly, the top-level changes are also more active when warming. The active environmental characteristics of the top floor area are of great significance to the regulation of the entire indoor environment. For this reason, we call the top floor area an active space environment.
1.2 Central District. The central area refers to the space environment at the bottom of the top area of ​​1m. Compared with the top area, the central area has a more stable environment than the top area. It plays a role in the transition between the top area and the bottom area. For example, we measured the top, middle, and bottom areas in a late afternoon at noon. The speeds of the changes under the influence of outside temperature were 13 minutes in the top area, 28 minutes in the middle area, and 36 minutes in the bottom area. The change in temperature at the same time is 18°C ​​in the top zone, 7°C in the middle zone, and 3°C in the bottom zone. It can be seen that the Central District plays a very important environmental buffer role for the top and bottom regions, so we call the middle region a space environment buffer.
1.3 The bottom area. The ground floor area refers to the space environment at the bottom of the middle area and the water surface, and it is generally at the water surface of the pool that is 30 to 40 cm above the water surface. The changes in the environment in this area directly affect the changes in the water environment, as well as the growth and health of the aquatic animals. However, as compared with the above two areas, the space environment in the bottom area must be more stable. Therefore, maintaining the stability of the environment in the bottom area is the key to the spatial environment management of the greenhouse. Therefore, the bottom area is also referred to as the space environment stability area.
2. Characteristics and Functions of Industrialized Temperature-controlled Greenhouse Aquatic Environment The aquatic environment in industrialized greenhouses is the environment place where live animals (tortoise shellfish) directly inhabit. In addition to water in the aquatic environment, environmental factors that are variables are biological and chemical. And the three major categories of physics. These three factors influence and balance each other in dynamics under the influence of indoor space environment and various production management measures. However, in order to achieve the best growing environment for cultured animals under artificial control, it is also necessary to understand the indoor aquatic environment. The relationship between the variation of environmental factors and the cultured objects.
2.1 biological factors. The biological factors in the indoor aquatic environment include plankton and microorganisms in addition to stocked turtles. Plankton are mainly zooplankton and phytoplankton.
There are many species of zooplankton in the aquatic environment, but the largest group is mainly cladocera. Cladocera is about 1mm long, normal body color is gray, but in the water when the body is hypoxic red, so commonly known as "Red worm." The cause of redness of Cladocera in anoxic waters is that the blood contains a erythrocyanotic blood. When the water is deprived of oxygen, its content will increase significantly and become red, so it will often appear in indoor turtle aquaculture ponds. The red bugs swim in groups on the pool surface and pool corners to form a layer of red bloom on the pool surface. Cladocera foods are mainly protozoa in the water, rotifers, macroalgae and bacteria. Therefore, when the number of horny species in the turtle aquaculture water is too large, a large amount of planktonic algae capable of photosynthesis and oxygenation will be swallowed up. In life, however, it consumes a large amount of dissolved oxygen. Therefore, it is a negative factor in the aquatic environment. The more pools of water in it, the worse it will develop. However, Cladocera can ingest some microorganisms, including many pathogenic bacteria, so its existence has a certain positive effect on the control of diseases.
There are many types of phytoplankton in the water environment. Phytoplankton plays a very good role in photosynthetic oxygenation under the effect of light. However, in an industrial greenhouse, the size of photosynthetic oxygenation of phytoplankton depends entirely on the quality of indoor lighting and The length of time.
Microorganisms in the water environment are mainly composed of various bacteria that can decompose some of the dirt in the water body, but pathogenic bacteria can cause disease in the cultured animals.
The cultured object (turtle carp) is the main biological carrier in the aquatic environment. The loading capacity of the cultured object in the water environment will also affect the change of the water environment. For example, we experiment to put the same number of turtles in the same unit area when the average The probability that the individual changes in the direction of the water environment to the bad when the individual grows to 300 g is more than ten times when the average individual is 10 g.
2.2 Chemical factors. The main chemical factors in the water environment are pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrogen, methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc. Based on years of practice summary, the above-mentioned major chemical factors can be divided into three categories, among which dissolved oxygen is the basic of the aquaculture water environment. Factors, ammonia, nitrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide are negative factors in aquaculture environment, and pH is a balance factor.
The composition and concentration of various chemical factors in the water environment directly affect the growth and survival of the cultured objects, and their changes in the water environment are closely related to biological factors and physical factors. For example, when the biomass in the aquaculture pond water is high, if there is no human control in the water environment, the basic chemical factors will be gradually depleted and the chemical concentration of the negative factors will gradually increase, thus making the water environment tend to deteriorate. This is because the organisms, while consuming basic chemical factors, also produce substances that consume basic chemical factors and accumulate depletion chemical factors. Such as the excrement of the cultured objects and dead bodies of dead creatures. Another example is when the amount of zooplankton in the greenhouse water environment is too large (especially the Cladocera is also called “the red worm”), the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water environment will drastically decrease and the water environment will deteriorate.
2.3 Physical factors. The physical factors in the water environment are mainly composed of temperature, light and water flow. Among them, water temperature is the main factor. Since turtles are variable-temperature animals, their activities and growth depend on changes in temperature in their living environment. Changes in water temperature not only affect the growth and survival of cultured animals, but also affect the aquatic environment. Changes in chemical factors, so water temperature is the most important physical factor in the aquatic environment. In the water environment of industrialized greenhouses, the impact of light on water mainly affects the phototaxis organisms, which also includes the needs of the breeding object such as sun drying, and the light also has a certain influence on the water temperature. The water flow is mainly responsible for the exchange and circulation of water in the water, especially for the gas exchange in water.

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