Steam sandwich pot use and characteristics
Steam sandwich pot use: Steam sandwich pot is widely used in the processing of candy, pharmaceutical, dairy, alcohol, cakes, preserves, beverages, canned food, lo mei and Other foods. It can be used in large restaurants or canteens, soups, vegetables, stews, porridge, etc. It is a good equipment for food processing to improve quality, shorten time and improve working conditions.
Steam sandwich pot features: a certain pressure of steam as a heat source, with a large heating area, high thermal efficiency, uniform heating, liquid boiling time is short, heating temperature is easy to control.
The sandwich pot uses steam as a heat source, and has the characteristics of large heating area, high thermal efficiency, fast heating of materials, uniform heating and easy control of heating temperature. The inner pot of the stainless steel sandwich pot (inner pot) is made of acid-resistant and heat-resistant Austenitic stainless steel. It is equipped with a pressure gauge and a safety valve. It has beautiful appearance, easy installation, convenient operation, safety and reliability.
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