Must eat nine body care foods in summer
This red vegetable (vegetable food) contains a lot of folic acid (folate food) and betaine. The combination of these two chemicals can reduce homocysteine ​​levels, an inflammatory mixture that can damage the arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. And the natural pigment in the sugar beet, betacyanin, has been experimentally proven to prevent cancer.
2. Chinese cabbage
A cup of chopped Chinese cabbage contains only 22 calories, but contains a lot of nutrients. Chinese cabbage contains sulphoraphane, which increases the amount of enzymes in the body. (Enzymes can prevent the production of free radicals that damage cells and can prevent cancer (cancer food).) Studies have found that sulforaphane has the highest ability to promote enzyme production compared to any Other phytochemical.
Pomegranate contains high concentrations of lycopene, which is more resistant to prostate cancer than tomatoes and watermelons. Moreover, a cup of pomegranate contains 688 mg of potassium, 63% more than potassium in bananas. Pomegranate also contains a lot of fiber, containing 9 grams per cup.
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