Chicken house lighting
According to the scale of feeding, it is necessary to install lighting equipment and it is necessary to pay attention to the safe and reliable lighting circuit. If you are using 2,000 chickens, you need 10 lamps. The bulb height is 2.1 to 2.4 meters from the ground, and the lamp distance is 3 to 3.5 meters. Two rows need to be crossed. The bulb to wall spacing is half the bulb spacing (ie, 1.5 to 1.75 meters).
When lighting, the first 7 days of 2 to 2.5 watts per square meter, the light intensity is too low, will reduce the feed intake of chicks, affecting 7-day-old body weight. After 7 days, 1.5 watts per square meter is to be slaughtered. To ensure that the light is even, the time and intensity of light cannot be reduced too fast, otherwise it will reduce the intake and affect the 7-day-old body weight.
Lighten 24 hours in the first two days after hatching, light in 23 hours after 3 days, natural light during the day after 14 days, shading if necessary, keep light in the evening, if the weight can reach the standard in the first week, 8 to 21 days old Intermittent light can be used. After the second week, it is recommended to use weak light chickens. Without affecting food intake and drinking water, low light can reduce the movement of chickens, fully increase feed utilization, limit physical energy consumption, and promote weight gain.
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