Male and female pigeons paired
First, quality matching
1. Homogeneous matching: Homogeneous matching refers to the selection of giant males with the same production performance (or other economic traits) for mating. This way of mating can increase the similarity between the parent and the offspring and the similarity between the offspring's siblings, genetically increase the frequency of offspring's comprehensive genotypes, and consolidate and strengthen the good traits. However, similar heterozygous genotypes in the parents are often separated from the two extremes in the offspring, and thus the degree of variation in the population can also be increased in offspring and divided into small groups with certain characteristics. Homogeneous selection can be divided into two types: only based on individual performance (with similar production performance), it is not known that the mating of the two pedigrees is called phenotypic homogenous matching; judging from the pedigree, family, etc., they have the same genotype. The mating between individuals is called genotypic homogenous matching, and inbreeding is extreme genotypic homogenous mating.
2. Heterogeneous Matching: Heterogeneous Matching refers to the selection of excellent male and female cocks with different production performances for mating. This way of mating can increase the proportion of heterozygous genotypes of offspring, reduce the similarity between offspring and their parents, and make offspring in the offspring population have relatively consistent offspring (compared with parental performance), and few There is a tendency toward the development of traits on both poles. Heterogeneous selection is divided into phenotypic heterogeneous selection and genotype heterogeneous selection.
Second, affinity selection
According to the degree of closeness of the parents' relatives, the kin selection can be divided into affinity, non-inbreeding, hybridization and distant hybridization. In order to preserve or consolidate the traits or characteristics of certain elite individuals in the flock, the progeny are often bred in a pro-family manner (i.e. selecting heterosexual individuals that are closely related to the good individual to mate with). However, the long-term pro-community will seriously reduce the ability of life, physical fitness, and reproductive ability of the offspring. Therefore, after the good traits are rapidly stabilized, they must immediately switch to non-individual or even hybrid methods.
Third, age matching
The matching based on the age of male and female pigeons is called age matching. For example, young cocks are used to make up the yearning hens and adult cocks are used to match young hens with a view to obtaining descendants with higher fertilization rates and more stable heredity. Meat pigeons usually live for about 10 years, of which meat pigeons with 2 to 3 years of age have the strongest reproductive ability. After 5 years, the breeding ability of meat pigeons began to decline.
Before the selection of meat pigeons, pigeons should be grouped and grouped. The selected meat pigeons should be assigned to the initial identification group, the identified group, and the renewal identification group based on the recorded identification data. After the group is divided, the meat pigeons should be ranked according to their excellent performance, characteristics, and kinship (note that there are no close relatives). Segments are made for the preparation of breeding programs.
Primary Selection: Pairing was firstly performed on males and females (weights of 650 grams and 750 grams, respectively) with larger body size, thick back, wide chest, and tail-warping, similar body weight, strong physique, and undisturbed hair. According to the production performance, for those offspring genetic instability, the output of the age-old puddle reached less than 600 grams, the color of the coat had variations, and pigeon production, protein hatchability, and production rate of less than 6 litters were eliminated. Any offspring that weighs 200 grams at 7 days of age and has a body weight of 500 grams at the age of 25 days and has the characteristics of a relative of a pigeon (such as a white feather king pigeon) is a primary candidate.
Multiple selection: Meat pigeons with a stable heredity of 750 g and over weighed at the age of 5 months were identified as breeding pigeons and classified as core populations. After 2 to 3 years of breeding, there is a fairly large number of core populations.
The matching work is the basis for nurturing the work. Only by mastering the matching work can we cultivate good varieties.
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