Grass breeding method

1, a reasonable arrangement of grass species, to avoid blind introduction. Pasture, like crops, has unique requirements for environmental conditions, and only when grown under suitable conditions can a high quality and high yield be achieved. If you can't listen to advertisements and say good things, you should blindly introduce them. Instead, you should introduce suitable grass species based on local climate and soil characteristics. For example, sandy areas should be planted with sandgrass, alfalfa should be introduced in semi-arid areas, and ryegrass, white clover, and other pastures should be introduced in areas with high precipitation.

2. Reasonably arrange pasture based on livestock species. The herbivorous livestock such as cattle, sheep and rabbits have high digestibility of cellulose. They like to eat forage grasses, such as ryegrass, bromegrass, cocksfoot, and fescue, as well as high protein. Legumes, such as alfalfa, clover, sand wangwang, crest flower, lotus root and other pasture. Dairy cows and dairy goats like to eat high-protein juicy pastures. In addition to the above-mentioned grasses, there are also feeds, chopped herbs, Rumex, and carrots. Pigs, fowls, and fish prefer to eat high-yield varieties, low-fiber foods such as feedstuffs, pine cone herbs, and Rumex grasses. Fish farming can also grow annual crops such as Sudan grass and leeks. If integrated breeding is conducted, the tender grass tip can be fed to the pigs, and the older grass segments can be fed to cattle and sheep. If a three-dimensional culture is conducted, a shed can be established next to the pig pen, the chicken manure can be fed to the pigs and the pig manure can be fermented. Feeding fish after fermentation, comprehensive utilization, development of ecological agriculture, the use of the food chain to develop aquaculture.

3, the use of intercropping, mixed species, interplanting and other modes of planting high quality pasture. Many farmers mix alfalfa and sandgrass with winter wheat and feed the cattle with harvested wheat straw. Legumes and other legumes can be symbiotic with Rhizobium. Root nodules can directly use nitrogen in the air, which can not only supplement the demand of nitrogen for wheat, but also improve the quality of wheat and directly increase the protein content of wheat products. Intercropping wheat and wheat can increase the advantages of wheat borders, and wheat seeds can be grown less, wheat can be used to grow corn, and maize can be used to grow radish between rows if seedlings are transplanted.

4, can make full use of the land idle, pay close attention to fill in the air to plant high-quality forage grass and feed crops. As a fodder, the crops used for pasture are not strong and can be fed as long as they have green straw. Such as melons covered by the film, harvest early, market early, after the Teng Lan from the sowing of rice have 40-60 days, at this time it is water, heat, light and other natural resources sufficient good time, can broadcast corn, mung bean, Soybeans and other crops, about 10 days before sowing, are harvested once and used as forages, which not only delays the cultivation of grasses but also produces quality forage.

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