Good late wheat sowing can also produce high yield

Every year in the sowing season, there are various reasons that lead to late sowing of some wheat. In particular, this year, more rain in September has resulted in the delay in the maturation of autumn crops in most parts of the province, affecting the timely sowing of wheat. Late sowing of wheat often has small seedlings before winter. After the beginning of spring, heading, flowering delay, and ripening process are shortened. In the late stage, it is vulnerable to dry hot wind and rust, and the 1000-grain weight is reduced, which greatly affects the yield. The corresponding technical measures should be taken in production to overcome the influence of unfavorable factors.

Selection of weak spring varieties

The weak spring variety develops rapidly, has short growth period, short vernalization time, young panicle differentiation, fast grain filling, easy to become large ear, mature earlier, suitable for late sowing. The wheat varieties suitable for late sowing in our province mainly include Chengmai 9023, Yanzhan 4110, and Yumai 70.

The late sowing of wheat should be applied to the base fertilizer, increase the available nitrogen fertilizer, supplement the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so as to promote seedling early-onset. Can be applied per acre organic fertilizer 2 to 3 cubic meters, 50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 30 kg of superphosphate, with 2.5 kg of urea as a fertilizer or surface fertilizer. When the farmyard fertilizer is insufficient, 50-75 kg of cake fertilizer may be added. Organic fertilizer or ammonium bicarbonate should be used for plowing. Phosphatic fertilizer should be applied. Urea can be mixed with seeds. However, it must be uniform and not excessive in order to avoid burning roots. Bad buds.

When sowing early in the evening

Try to sow early, early preparations, early sowing, advance delivery of farmyard fertilizers to the land, implement simple soil preparation methods, reduce the number of ploughing, or plough down stubble crops, and strive to stay early in the evening. The sowing volume can be increased to 12.5 to 15 kilograms per mu, and the number of basic seedlings should be controlled at 200,000 to 300,000. The main stem should be the panicle, and the panicle should be the panicle. Late sowing of wheat germination sowing, can promote early-onset seedlings, the specific method is: the seeds in 20 °C ~ 30 °C warm water soak for 5 to 6 hours, remove and dry sowing, can be seeded earlier than the emergence of dry seeds 2 to 3 days . Can also be used 20 °C ~ 25 °C warm water soaked wheat seeds for 24 hours, until the seeds suck enough water to remove, piled into a 30 cm thick seed heap, flip several times a day, when the seed embryo dew white dry sowing, The seeds of the dried seeds can be sown 5 to 7 days earlier. Appropriate shallow sowing, the early emergence of wheat seedlings, early delivery, is an effective measure to fight late seeding seedlings, sowing depth can be about 3 cm. The late sowing field is often rough due to grab time and the soil bridge is empty. The repression can make the wheat seeds in close contact with the soil and keep the seedlings out. Therefore, it is best to suppress the sowing of late-seeded wheat so as to promote the growth of late sowing wheat and enhance its ability to resist disasters.

Strengthen management and increase seedling growth

According to the fertility characteristics of late-seeding wheat, the key to promoting the early and long-term growth of wheat in the returning green period is to increase the temperature, and the management focus is on repression and suppression.

After wheat rises, vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand-in-hand. Growth is accelerated, and the demand for fertilizer and water increases. Sufficient water and fertilizer will promote the delivery of pods, forming more spikes and larger ears and increasing grain weight. Generally suitable for late-seeding wheat during the top-dressing period is appropriate. It can be combined with 15 to 20 kilograms of urea per acre of water. If the amount of phosphate fertilizer is insufficient, 10 kg of DAP can be used per acre. Fields with better soil fertility, adequate basal fertilizer, and vigorously growing wheat seedlings can be postponed to top-dressing and watering later in the jointing season. Late-seeding sowing of wheat should be performed in the late-green period to promote the growth of spring tiller.

The late sowing wheat should be filled with grouting water to prolong the duration of the high value of photosynthetic rate to resist the damage of dry hot wind and increase the grain weight. In addition, we must pay attention to the prevention and treatment of wheat rust, powdery mildew and aphids.

The best cost-effective seed dressing

One type of seedlings is strong seedlings, and the second and third types of seedlings are weak seedlings of varying degrees. Wangmiao is a group of large and prosperous seedlings.

One kind of seedlings, before returning green, the total number of stems per mu is between 600,000 and 800,000. The color of leaves is normal, and the plants are robust. It can be combined with watering to recover 12 to 15 kg of urea per mu during the jointing stage.

For the second type of seedlings, the total number of stems per acre before returning green is between 450,000 and 600,000. The population is too small and should be combined with watering for 10 to 15 kg of urea per acre in the wheat growing season. Wheat fields with weak wheat seedlings and insufficient groups can be top-dressed and watered in the early stages of getting up. The appropriate wheat fields should be top-dressed and watered later in the day.

In the three types of seedlings, the number of total stems per acre before returning green is less than 450,000, and the leaf color is lighter and the growth potential is poor. The fertilizer and water management should be carried out in time. The spring top dressing can be performed in two stages. The first time in the returning green period, with watering per acre Topdressing urea 5 ~ 8 kg; the second in the jointing period, with watering topdressing urea 10 ~ 15 kg.

Wang Miao, before returning green, the total number of stems per acre is more than 800,000, and the leaf color is dark green and has a tendency of prosperous growth. The cultivator should suppress the nitrogen fertilizer. In the late jointing stage, 8 to 10 kg of urea is applied per acre.

The control can be as early as possible

Early sowing, large amount of sowing, excessive fertilization, etc., can easily lead to madness and long wheat seedlings. Wheat is prosperous in winter and is not only prone to winter and spring freezing injury, light dead leaves, severe young ears frozen, easy to cause lodging in the middle and late, but also prone to diseases, such as spring and rain, under light conditions can easily cause dry Diseases, powdery mildew, root rot and other diseases are endemic.

How to determine whether wheat flourishes before winter? It can be judged from individual morphology, group status, and reproductive indicators. See the wheat seedlings closely, the leaves are long and large, the leaf sheaths are long and thin, the pseudo stems are long and flat, the leaves are scattered and the plants are very tall; Can be considered as a long wheat field.

To control the prosperous winter wheat, you can start from the following aspects:

1. Early cultivating. In the wheat rows between the depths of 6 to 8 cm, cut off part of the root system, reducing the absorption of nutrients in the root system, in order to control the aerial part of the leggy.

2. Late winter water. Winter irrigation is too early, because the relatively high temperature, can accelerate the growth of wheat seedlings, easy to form wheat prosperous. The winter wheat irrigation time is generally controlled before and after the snow, the daily average temperature starts at 7 °C ~ 8 °C, 4 °C ~ 5 °C end, the field standard to "night freezing and depleting" is appropriate, not only to ensure safe winter wheat, but also to prevent wheat prosperous.

3. Crackdown. Using sarcophagus or machinery, after 10 o'clock in fine weather, repression 1 or 2 times without frost, temporarily delay the growth of wheat leaves and leaf sheaths, control the excessive growth of tillers, and at the same time, can break the granules, bridging cracks, and keeping heat and moisture. Promote root development. When the repression should be taken in a direction, it should not be repeatedly suppressed.

4. Chemical regulation. Mu with 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder 40 ~ 50 grams, according to the proportion of water diluted spray instructions, so that the dwarf plant, leaves widening and thickening, increased photosynthesis, prevent leggy, promote delivery, stem stem section becomes shorter.

Trolley Color Doppler Ultrasound Series

1. Imaging Modes:
· lB, B|B, 4B, B|M, M
· lColor Doppler (CFM)
· lPower Doppler (PDI)
· lDirectional Power Doppler (DPDI)
· lPulsed Wave Doppler (PWD)
· lB+PWD (Duplex)
· lB+CFM/PDI/DPDI+PWD (Triplex)
· lHigh Pulse Repetition Frequency (HPRF)
· ITissue Harmonic Imaging (THI)
2. Scanning Method: electronic linear, electronic convex, electronic micro-convex, scanning depth: 2-24cm
3. Color Doppler:
· lPRF variable: 0.5-9 kHz
· lwall filter settings: 3 steps (5%, %10%, 15% PRF)
· langle steering for linear transducers: ±10°
· lreal-time spatial filter: 4 values
· lCFM palette>10 maps
· lPDI palette>10 maps
· lB/Color priority control
· lcolor threshold control
· lCFM baseline control
· lDoppler frequency selection
· lcolor frame averaging
· lTransparent Color Mapping (TCM)
4. Pulsed Wave Doppler:
· lPRF variable: 1-10 kHz
· lwall filter settings: 16 steps (2.5%-20% PRF)
· langle steering for linear transducers: ±10°
· lreal-time trace line with automatic calculation of spectrum parameters
· lstereo sound: volume control
· lPWD palette>10 maps
· lDoppler frequency selection
· lHigh Line Density scan mode for better resolution
· l8 sliders TGC Control
· ldynamic range>120 dB
· loverall gain control
· lM - mode sweep speed control
· lacoustic power control
· lvariable frame averaging
· lbrightness, contrast
· ladvanced gamma control
· lscan direction, rotation, up-down controls
· lnegative / positive control
· lecho enhancement control
· lnoise rejection function
· lspeckle reduction
6. Image and video: AVI, JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, DCM (DICOM)
7. General Measurements and Calculations: Distance, Length, Area, Circumference, Volume, Angle, Stenosis %, A/B Ratio, Velocity, Pressure Gradient (PG), Acceleration, Resistivity Index (RI), Heart Rate, Velocity Time Integral (VTI), etc.
8. Measurements and Calculations Software Packages: Obstetrics, Gynecology, Abdominal, Urology, Endocrinology, Vascular, Cardiology, etc.
9. Expansion interfaces:
· lVGA, TV Interface
· lUSB2.0 Interface
· lRJ-45 Network interface
· lSupport DeskJet printer, LaserJet printer, video printer

Trolley Color Doppler Ultrasound Series,Trolley Color Doppler Ultrasound,Color Doppler Ultrasound system,Trolley Color Doppler, Color Doppler Ultrasound Trolley

Guangzhou Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited ,