Fruit harvesting should be timely
2018-06-21 20:00:54
Fruit harvesting must be controlled during the appropriate period. It has been determined that mature fruits will grow 1 to 1.5% of the volume of the fruit per day. If harvested 10 days early, it can reduce production by 10-15%. In addition, there are many tannin and protopectin in immature fruits, high starch content, low sugar content, fruit astringency, high hardness, fruit flavor and quality. not good. Harvested too late, fruit respiration increased, the fruit became soft, but also affect the quality of the fruit and storage and transportation. To determine the appropriate time for harvesting, one must look at the fruit. An off-layer is formed between the stalk and the fruiting branch of a normally mature fruit, as long as the fruit is gently lifted off. Second, look at fruit color. When the fruit matures, the pigments of the original variety appear, such as a mature Golden Delicious apple, and the green background becomes yellow. Three to see the development period. Various fruits mature for a certain number of days, such as Golden Delicious apple development period is 140-145 days, Guoguang Apple is 160-165 days. Four to see the hardness. When the fruit matures, it shows its inherent flavor. For example, Guoguang apple is sweet and sour when ripe, and honey pear is sweet. The best time to harvest the fruit is in the morning. After a night of heat dissipation, the fruit cools, it is not easy to heat and it is good for storage. Harvesting of fruits should be carried out from the bottom up and from the outside to the inside, so that collisions can be avoided and losses can be reduced. It is advisable to collect 10 to 12 kilograms of fruit for fruit collection baskets, and collect and grade baskets for harvesting and harvesting, and sell or store them separately. China Agricultural Network Editor
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