Efficient application of biological bacterial fertilizer technology to vegetables
In the prevention and cure of dead vegetables, fungus fertilizer has played a crucial role. Therefore, more and more vegetable farmers recognize the importance of biological bacterial fertilizers in vegetable production. As a result, many vegetable farmers in production have shown excessive dependence and use of fungicide, and have gradually entered misuse, which is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
First, mixed with fertilizer
Some vegetable farmers believe that bacterial fertilizer cannot be mixed with chemical fertilizers. After mixing, high concentrations of chemicals will kill the active bacteria in the sterilized fertilizer, thus causing the bacteria to lose its effect. It is not known that there are few nutrients in the fungicide, and it is difficult to meet the needs of crop growth when used alone.
Fertilizer can be mixed with chemical fertilizers. If superphosphate is applied to the soil, it can be easily fixed and mixed with bio-organic fertilizer can reduce nutrient fixation and loss. Moreover, when a large amount of chemical fertilizer is applied alone or chemical fertilizer is applied unevenly, it is easy to produce toxic side effects on the crop, and if it is mixed with bacterial fertilizer, it will reduce the occurrence of such problems.
Second, the amount of application
Applying more fertilizer to the soil will not cause burnt roots to sprout, but it is not better to apply more. Blind large-scale application of biological bacterial fertilizers does not cause vegetable rooting and dead seedlings to be caused by chemical fertilizers. However, the accumulation of salt in vegetable plants increases, harms consumers' health of the communal body, and deteriorates soil texture, but at the very least increases fertilizer input costs. (Because the price of biological bacterial fertilizer is higher), it will reduce the cultivation efficiency of vegetables. Therefore, according to the needs of different crops and the status of soil nutrients, scientifically determine the amount of fertilizer applied to biological bacteria in order to achieve the purpose of increasing production and income.
In the case of relatively normal soil conditions, it is generally appropriate to apply approximately 80 kg of biofertilizer to mu (667 square meters). If the degree of soil salinization is high, the amount of biological bacterial fertilizer can be appropriately increased. Generally according to the level of soil salinization, per acre (667 square meters) may be appropriate to increase 10 to 20 kg is appropriate.
Third, to meet the conditions of biological fertilizer fertilizer
The organic biological bacterial fertilizer contains a large amount of soil microbial agents. These microorganisms can release insoluble phosphorus and potassium and other fertilizer elements in the soil, and the synergistic effect is significant after application. However, most of these microorganisms are aerobic fungi. All their life activities require appropriate temperature, moisture, and moderate amounts of oxygen. Therefore, it must be applied after the high temperature chamber, so as to avoid loss of vitality due to high soil temperature in the dormitory, and shallow application, the depth of 5 to 8 cm is good, not deeper than 10 cm to prevent deep oxygen deficiency in the soil. Affects the activity of microorganisms and reduces the use effect.
Hydrolyzed Sponge White Powder
Chengdu Sino Tech company , https://www.cnherbfun.cn