Determination of manganese in ginseng

Abstract: The determination of manganese in ginseng by flame atomic absorption spectrometry is 101.2%. The results are reliable and simple, and can be used for the determination of actual samples.
Key words: ginseng, manganese, flame atomic absorption spectrometry
1 Foreword Ginseng is a genus of Panax ginseng, which is a traditional Chinese medicine in China. It is known as Herb*, the first of the three treasures in the Northeast. Modern scientific research has shown that ginseng contains ginsenosides, ginseng polysaccharides, amino acids, volatile oils, peptides, vitamins, lignins and sesquiterpenes, etc., for central nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive tract, endocrine, and substance metabolism, and Genitour and other systems have a wide range of functions, it also has anti-stress effects, improve the body's adaptability, enhance the body's immunity and other effects. With the development of bioinorganic chemistry and modern medicine, people realize that inorganic ingredients, especially trace elements, in medicinal materials not only affect the efficacy of medicinal materials, but also play an important role in human health, growth and development and disease prevention. There are many studies on the pharmacological effects of organic constituents in ginseng, but little research on the role of inorganic elements. In order to further understand the content and role of trace elements in ginseng, flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry is used for manganese in ginseng. The measurement was carried out. It provides a scientific basis for studying the role of trace elements in drug efficacy.
2 test part
2. 1 Instruments and reagents
PE800 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer, USA); Mars5 Microwave Digestor (CEM, USA); manganese element hollow cathode lamp.
Ginseng (Changbaishan fresh ginseng - purchased in Jilin Changbai Mountain mountain goods market); manganese standard solution is 1000mg / L (National Environmental Protection Station); concentrated HNO3, excellent grade pure.
The glass instruments used were all soaked in (1+5) nitric acid overnight, rinsed repeatedly with tap water, and washed with deionized water.
2. 2 Instrument working conditions The manganese element wavelength is 279.5nm, the lamp current is 20mA, the spectral passband is 0.2nm, the air flow rate is 17L/min, and the acetylene flow rate is 2.0L/min.
2. 3 Sample processing The ginseng sample can be treated by ashing and digestion, but both methods are cumbersome and cumbersome, and usually take hours or even tens of hours. In this paper, the microwave method [4, 5] is used for digestion, which not only can significantly shorten the digestion time, improve the analysis efficiency, but also reduce the amount of reagents.
The ginseng was cut into thin slices and dried in an oven at 70 °C. After drying, the agate sample was used to accurately weigh the ginseng sample 1. 7600g,
Add 10 mL of concentrated HNO 3 and heat and digest it in a microwave digestion device until the solution is colorless and transparent. After cooling, transfer to a 100 mL volumetric flask and dilute with deionized water.
2. 4 Experimental methods
2. 4. 1 Calibration curve Take a number of 100mL volumetric flasks, and prepare manganese standard solutions with concentrations of 0.00, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, and 5.00 mg/L, respectively, and measure according to the working conditions of the instrument.
2. 4. 2 Determination of the sample The processed sample is directly measured on the machine according to the working conditions of the instrument.
3 Results and discussion
3. 1 Effect of coexisting ions Under the selected working conditions of the instrument, 2.00 mg/L of manganese is determined, and the relative error is allowed to be 6%. 100 mg/L of zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium are measured. No interference.
3. 2 Calibration curve According to the working conditions of the instrument, the manganese standard solution gradation is sequentially introduced into the flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer for measurement, and the regression equation and correlation coefficient are calculated. The regression equation for manganese is: C (mg/L) = 6.321A - 0.000632, correlation coefficient r = 0.9987; the results show that the linear relationship is good.
3. 3 Precision test According to the working conditions of the instrument, the content of manganese in the sample solution was determined by flame atomic absorption method. The parallel determination was 8 times, and the RSD was 1.15%. The result was ideal.
3. 4 Recovery rate test According to the working conditions of the instrument, an appropriate amount of standard is added to the sample solution for recovery test. The average recovery rate is 101.2%, and the result is ideal.
[1] Zheng Youlan, Zhang Chongxi, Li Xianggao. Quality Evaluation Indicators and Methods of Jilin Ginseng[J]. Ginseng Research, 2001, 13(2): 12-14.
[2] Qin Wei, Kong Bo, Wan Limei. Chemical composition and pharmacological effects of ginseng [J]. Ginseng Research, 1998, 1:14-16.

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