Adding amount of feed layer stone powder
This is because birds do not have teeth and add 0.5% to 1% of stone powder (also can be replaced by sand) during the growth stage of chicks and ducklings. Its main role is to help grind the feed in the stomach and stomach, which is beneficial to the digestion of nutrients. Absorption; adult laying hens, ducks produce almost one egg per day, and eggshells are mainly made from calcium carbonate, so a large amount of calcium-containing feed needs to be added to the feed. The main ingredient of stone powder is calcium carbonate, and it is cheap and inexpensive, which has become the main source of calcium in feed. According to the needs of the peak egg production, the amount of stone powder should be 8% to 9%. If the laying rate is low, the amount of stone powder should be reduced accordingly.
(Note that stone powder in the feed during the egg production stage cannot be replaced with sand).
In view of the above, the calcium requirements for different growth stages of poultry are different. If the amount of stone powder added to the feed over a long period of time seriously exceeds or falls below the above-mentioned criteria, calcium overgrowth may occur: eg, poultry gout; or calcium deficiency: such as bone soft disease, easy to fracture, thin egg, soft shell The number of eggs increased.
Shaanxi Kepler Biotech Co.,Ltd ,