Wuhan scientists capture the "soft ribs" of super bacteria, making antibiotics harmless to the human body

Wuhan scientists capture the "soft ribs" of super bacteria, making antibiotics harmless to the human body

January 04, 2018 Source: Hubei Daily

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Due to the abuse of antibiotics, the super bacteria that have appeared frequently in recent years are seriously threatening the health of human beings. The research team led by researcher Jiang Ling of the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully captured the protein transient complexes during the phosphotransfer process and discovered and proposed the enzymatic reaction mechanism of the HisKA family histidine kinase to perform phosphatase activity. Designing a drug based on this characteristic can kill bacteria only and is harmless to the human body.

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In the early 1940s, penicillin came out, marking the arrival of the antibiotic era. Since then, antibiotics have sprung up to help humans deal with bacterial infections. People enjoy the benefits of antibiotics, such as the increase in life expectancy and the increase in patient survival, and face the global medical problem of bacterial resistance. As a kind of organism, ordinary bacteria have the ability to resist drugs. This "resistance" instinct is stimulated by antibiotics, and it is also strengthened in the case of human abuse of antibiotics. The final mutation produces "super bacteria." In the past 10 years, the list of “super bacteria” has become longer and longer, posing a major threat to public health. In the post-antibiotic era, even common infections and minor injuries can be fatal.

The two-component signal transduction system is the most important signal transduction system in bacteria, which regulates most of the life activities of bacteria. The two-component signal transduction system of bacteria as a potential new antibacterial drug target has always been a hot spot in international research. . The two-component signal transduction system consists of a histidine kinase and a response regulatory protein. As in the relay race, the relays are relayed between the players, and the signal transduction is realized by the transfer of phosphate groups. The phosphorylated response-regulated protein can regulate the expression of some special genes. The histidine kinase protein is a sensor of bacteria that responds by sensing different environmental conditions.

The Jiangling team successfully collaborated with researchers at Duke University and Wuhan Virus Institute to successfully capture protein transient complexes during phosphate delivery. The researchers found that the activity of the bifunctional protein HK853 was regulated by pH. The conformational change of HK853 occurred in the acidic environment, which reduced the phosphatase activity. The researchers further found that the pH changes regulate the expression of virulence factors through the related experiments of Salmonella, which in turn affected The ability of bacterial infection to propose an enzymatic reaction mechanism for the phosphatase activity of the HisKA family histidine kinase. The HisKA family is a protein family name for histidine kinase.

The researchers said that the two-component signal transduction system is currently only found in bacteria, archaea and plants, but not in humans and other mammals. According to this feature, the two-component transduction system can be used as a drug target, which only kills bacteria and is harmless to the human body. The results of this study have important reference value and guiding significance for understanding the bacterial signal transduction mechanism, the virulence secretion mechanism of acid-resistant pathogens such as Salmonella and the development of new antibacterial drugs.

The research was funded by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Medical Sciences.

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