The color of Biluochun
The color of Biluochun
Biluochun's color is green and oily. It belongs to strip-shaped green tea. Biluochun has a young bud and is a treasure of green tea. During the Tang Dynasty, Biluochun was honored as a tribute tea, and the tribute court turned to the palace nobles for enjoyment.
The color of Biluochun without pigmentation is relatively soft and bright, and Biluochun with coloration looks black, green, blue, and dark. After the Biluochun brewing with boiling water, the color without added pigment looks brighter and brighter. The pigmentation looks yellowish and dark, like the color of the tea. In addition, the normal Biluochun tea leaves have small white fluff, and if it is colored tea leaves, its fluff is also green.
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