The amount of swallowed and devoured bullfrogs

Bullfrogs are carnivorous animals and have a wide range of foods including annelids, arthropods, mollusks, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. According to reports, bullfrogs mainly eat animal pests (82%) of crops, but also eat a small amount of beneficial animals (5.2%). Bullfrogs also eat some plant foods, mostly leaf fragments, flowers, and plant seeds.
Bullfrogs are very bulimia and have a large amount of food. It was observed that a bullfrog swallowed 43.7 grams of food overnight.
Bullfrog frog intake is related to temperature changes. When the water temperature was 21 to 30°C, the food intake was the highest, the food intake was the lowest at 20 to 14°C, and the feeding was stopped below 14°C. Bull frogs are also very resistant to hunger and can generally tolerate 4 months to a year.