Spring fattening beef cattle three points

The arrival of spring, the weather began to warm, this is the fastest growing season of beef cattle. In order to ensure that the beef cattle have a faster growth rate, the breeder should do the following work:
To properly prepare feed cows for rapid growth must obtain sufficient vitamins, trace elements, minerals, energy and protein from the feed. Traditional feeds can no longer meet the needs of fast-growing cattle. It is necessary to supplement beef with beef. Recommended concentrates are formulated in the following proportions: corn 48%, soybean meal 3%, bran 17%, beef cattle premix 5%. Feeding amount of concentrate feed is controlled at 1.5-2 kg per 100 kg of beef body weight, and silage corn, ammoniated straw and peanut meal are the best choices for roughage. Pay attention to the daily management to keep the cow house clean, the cow body clean and the environment quiet. Feeding time should not be too long. It is recommended to feed twice a day and feed it at 6-8 am and 4-6 pm. Keep the feed trough clean when not feeding, and drink once after the end of each day feed. Feeding of concentrate feeds is best done by mixing in wet roughage.
Deworming Many cattle farmers often use avermectin, ivermectin and other drugs to deter beef cattle. However, because the content of the deworming drugs does not meet the required standards, the deworming effect is not satisfactory. The author recommended phenyzalazole to everyone and added 0.5 kg of phenabendazole per ton of feed. Feeding was carried out according to normal feeding methods. Both of them had good repellent effects on the parasites of beef cattle in vitro and in vivo.
Due to improper feeding methods or unclean feed, etc., the stomach can easily cause rumen and valve stomach deposits, resulting in poor appetite and indigestion. At this time, it is advisable to feed 1% of soda water on an empty stomach, and after the meat steaks are out of debris (as a criterion for judging the black dilute feces), start feeding the fattening feed again. After the stomach, the cow has good spirits and strong appetite.

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