Spinal cord injury, respiratory disorder recovery, is expected to inject an enzyme to allow the rats to breathe
Spinal cord injury, respiratory disorder recovery, is expected to inject an enzyme to allow the rats to breathe
December 4, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Zhang Meng Ran
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Worldwide, the incidence of spinal cord injury is increasing year by year. Spinal cord injury is a spinal cord compression or fracture caused by various external forces acting on the spine. Its treatment and rehabilitation has become a major topic in the medical field today - and respiratory complications are the main causes of death in patients with high spinal cord injury. - The higher the injury site, the greater the effect on the respiratory function.
The reason for this is that the nerve fibers that control the respiratory muscles often break after the spinal cord injury occurs, and scar tissue is gradually formed around these interrupted nerve fibers, thereby blocking the reconnection attempt. It has long been believed that these fibers die quickly if they are not reconnected quickly after injury.
This time, the latest experiments by Philip Warren, a researcher at Case Western Reserve University, and his colleagues showed that after the chondroitin sulfate lyase ABC was injected into a region of the rat's spine, the neurons involved in the respiration were effectively decomposed. Scar tissue formed after spinal cord injury occurs.
The researchers found that after the scar tissue was eliminated, the nerve sprouted significantly, and rats with near-lifetime (up to a year and a half) respiratory paralysis eventually regained almost complete respiratory control. In addition, the team also found that combined with intermittent hypoxic conditions can enhance recovery and can be maintained for up to 6 months after treatment.
The researchers pointed out that further research is currently underway to determine the exact recovery mechanism for this finding.
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