"Mini Brain" has the first function of myelination
"Mini Brain" has the first function of myelination
July 27, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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The so-called organ is actually a three-dimensional cell culture system that is highly similar to the tissue or organ from the body and has some key characteristics of the corresponding organ. Brain-like organ technology is an important branch of organ-like technology and plays an important role in brain development research, disease modeling, and drug development.
But all along, scientists have created a brain-like organ that lacks a key component - a myelin-derived oligodendrocyte. Myelin is a substance that coats nerve fibers and helps neurons emit signals. When they are damaged, neurons cannot communicate with each other effectively.
Scientists have long believed that oligodendrocytes play an important role in diseases associated with myelin damage such as multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury, but they are difficult to penetrate due to the lack of brain-like organs containing the cells. Research, little is known about the specific situation.
This time, a team of researchers from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, the New York Stem Cell Foundation Institute, and George Washington University found a specific combination of growth factors that first cultured oligodendrocytes. Brain-like organs provide a new method for pathological research and drug testing of myelin diseases.
Studies have shown that myelin-enhancing drugs can promote the formation of myelin in oligodendrocytes in the organs, indicating that these organs can be used for the efficacy test of myelin recovery drugs. In addition, the team used stem cells from patients with Pelicos-Metzbach disease (a hereditary myelinating disease) to develop brain-like organs that successfully mimicked the disease, indicating newly developed brain-like organ technology. This disease research can also be used.
The new study incorporates oligodendrocytes into brain-like organs, filling a critical gap in brain-like organ model research. Next, the team plans to use it in multiple sclerosis studies to test the effects of drugs targeting oligodendrocytes in stimulating myelination. (Liu Haiying)
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