Large-scale Crop Interplanting Chaihu New Technology
2018-04-19 15:00:42
Bupleurum has strong adaptability, drought and cold resistance, simple management, extensive and short cycle, and it is a good project for short, flat and fast rural areas. It is also one of the varieties of Chinese herbal medicines that are currently tight. However, due to the longer dormancy period of the seeds of Bupleurum chinense, the germination cycle is long. Only when the soil moisture is sufficient and moisturized for about 30 days, the temperature can be raised at 20-25°C. Therefore, there are two major shortcomings in the use of live direct broadcast: First, the lack of shade in open field sowing does not guarantee the moisture needed to germinate the seeds of Bupleurum chinense. The second reason is that due to the long time of emergence of Bupleurum, it is easy to form a grassland. The use of wheat, buckwheat, soybeans, sesame, corn and other crops Interplanting Bupleurum has three major advantages: First, there are crops Bupleurum shade protection, so that Bupleurum seed emergence early, high germination. The second is to increase the economic benefits per unit area. The third is to avoid grass shortage and facilitate management. 1. Sowing period: Select intercropping with wheat from October to December, or interplanting in the spring from March to April after thawing; legume crops should be interplanted from July to August after emergence; corn intercropping should be mixed in corn pods twice After the grass sowing, do not cover the soil; or mix with the buckwheat at the time of defamation, a little repression. Use crops to shade for seedlings. Seeds of Bupleurum must use new seeds produced by Chaihu for 2 years; when the seed produced by Bupleurum chinense grows in the next year, it cannot grow. 2. Seeding method: The use of live or broadcast can be, every 667 square meters with Bupleurum species 1.25 kg to 1.5 kg, due to small and light particles of Bupleurum species, so when sowing can be divided into 2 to 3 times sowing. The specific method is to first determine the area to be sown. The first seeding amount accounts for 1/2 or 1/3 of the total number, and the seeds are evenly spread in two or three times. This will ensure uniform emergence of Bupleurum. Interplanting in the wheat field can be scattered evenly on the wheat leaf type Bupleurum, after sowing with a mallet beat vibration, so that the seeds fall soil; can also be sown on the snow surface, until the snow temperature after the emergence of suitable seedlings. 3. Field management: The Chaihu interplanted in corn and beans should be cut with a knife. If wheat is interplanted and wheat harvested, stay longer. If there are weeds in the fall, but because the small Bupleurum seedlings should not weed, weeds can be used to cut the weeds. For every 667 square meters before winter, 10 kg of DAP can be used. Insect pests mainly include larvae of the aphids and yellow swallowtail insects, and can be sprayed with 800-fold solution of dichlorfon or 700-fold of dimethoate emulsion, sprayed once every 5 days, and sprayed 2 or 3 times. 4. Harvesting: After harvesting crops in the first year, Bupleurum enters into a vigorous growth period. The weeds are removed for a single year in the second year. In October and November, the above-ground parts are cut with a knife, and seeds can be harvested every 667 square meters. 40kg to 50kg, 200kg to 300kg of Bupleurum stalk, digging roots, shaking to dry the soil, every 667 square meters can be excavated 100kg to 150kg of Bupleurum root. If the soil is loose and there are small seedlings, you can use your hands to pull the roots of Chaihu, leaving the seedlings to be harvested in the coming year, so that you can grow many years of income.