Four methods for ripening tomato fruit with ethephon

1. Seed soaking method to pick up the green ripening fruit during the color conversion period, soak it for 1 minute with 1500PPM ethylene lecithin, remove it, drain it and put it into a bamboo basket, hotbed or greenhouse, and control the temperature at 22~25°C. After 3 days, most of the fruits turn red.

2. Coated fruit After the tomato enters the color-changing period, collect the fruit with 2000~3000PPM ethephon solution with a cotton ball, brush, etc., or wipe it with gauze, yarn gloves, etc. The fruits mature 6-8 days earlier, increasing early red fruit yield, and their redness and quality are better. When the fruit is coated, as long as most of the pod or fruit surface can be applied, because the ethephon treatment, in the fruit can be run, even if part of the final coating, the whole fruit will still mature. This treatment can improve ergonomics and save labor.

3. Spraying fruit for the early spring tomato market, but also to improve ergonomics, in the first and second ear fruit coloring period, with 800 ~ 1000PPM ethephon liquid directly sprayed fruit, can promote red, early 5 ~ 7 Mature days, increase the previous output. Pay attention to avoid spraying the liquid on stems and leaves when spraying fruit.

4. Spraying method Spraying method is more suitable for the processing of tomato harvested at one time. It is labor-saving and simple, but it is necessary to strictly control the spraying period and concentration. Generally, in the late growth period, most of the fruits have turned red. When there are still some fruits, in order to accelerate the ripening of these fruits, 1000 ppm of ethephon solution can be used to spray the entire plant, so that the tomato slices soon turn yellow and the fruits ripen quickly. When significantly increased the proportion of red ripe fruit.

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