Do you believe it? Someone has their own cholesterol-lowering gene
Do you believe it? Someone has their own cholesterol-lowering gene
June 13, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Recently, Science published the latest results of Song Baoliang's research group in the form of a long-form study. They discovered a new gene from the human body that regulates the body's cholesterol absorption. This finding provides treatment for hyperlipidemia. New drug development targets.
Studies have shown that cholesterol levels are mainly regulated by two aspects, on the one hand diet lifestyle, on the other hand by genetic factors. Exploring the regulation mechanism of cholesterol from the perspective of human genetics is the subject of Song Baoliang's team research.
The content of LDL-C and the incidence of coronary heart disease vary greatly among different races. In order to reveal new cholesterol-regulating genes, Song Baoliang's research team cooperated with the team of Xinjiang Medical University Ma Yijun to discover a familial low through epidemiological investigation. The Kazakh family of LDL-C, through genome-wide exon sequencing and gene association analysis, found that the rare frameshift mutation (K306fs) of LIMA1 gene was significantly associated with low LDL-C. To clarify the causal relationship and mechanism of action between genetic variation and cholesterol, the team went on to conduct more in-depth research.
Analysis of variant carriers revealed a decrease in their cholesterol absorption, a finding that was confirmed and reproduced in knockout mice. At the molecular level, it further reveals its function and mechanism of action in mediating cholesterol absorption in the small intestine, which also provides a new target for interfering with human blood lipids. (Wu Jianglong reporter Liu Zhiwei)
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