Control of rice leaf roller after 7 days of moth peak

In mid-August, it was the endangered period of five (3) generations of rice leaf roller larvae in our province. Five (3) generations of adult insects migrated in the first place, and they migrated throughout the province, with distinct generations. The moth peaks were obvious and were easy to predict. In the latter stage, the native insects were mainly breeding and feathering adults. Medicinal control of rice leaf roller should be controlled at about 7 days after the peak of the moth. At this time, it is the egg hatching period, which is the appropriate period of drug control. In this period, the drug control effect is good.
Five (3) generations of rice leaffolders are the main destructive generations in our province. Adults and insects are mainly imported from the south. Plant protection agencies generally monitor the migration of five (3) generations of rice leaf roller in the system field. To determine moth peak days and publish pest forecast information. Production can be controlled at the appropriate time based on pest and disease forecast information issued by the plant protection department. You can also choose 2 to 3 rice fields with better growth. Use a 1.5-meter-long bamboo basket to move 233 square meters of rice plants to the field each morning. Record the number of rice leaffolders seen on the day and calculate each Acres amount. The sudden increase in the number of moths in the field indicates that there are peaks of imminent migration, and moths can continue to be found to find out the peak days of migration. In the 7 to 10 days after the peak of the moth, it is the egg hatching period, which is the best time to control the rice leaf roller. Five (3) generations of rice leaf roller have large amount of migration, and they have applied drugs twice to prevent and control them for a long time.
Tip: Rice leaf roller cannot survive winter in Jiangsu and Anhui. From May to July every year, adults migrate from the south to become the initial insect source of rice. Since then, it has been bred in the local rice fields and it has been 4-5 generations in 1 year. The first generation of larvae was endangered in the middle and early June, the second generation in mid-July, the third generation in mid-August, the fourth generation in mid-September, and the fifth generation in mid-October. The first and fifth generation of insects are less harmful and the harm is light. The second and third generations of insects are heavy and harmful. The six (4)-generation insects originate mainly from the local area, and they are harmful to mature rice such as direct-seeded rice. Six (4) generations of adults migrated in large numbers.

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