Chinese cabbage is rotten with soft rot
The phenomenon of detachment, rotting and clipping of Chinese cabbage was caused by the occurrence of soft rot. The occurrence of soft rot in Chinese cabbage is relatively common, with a long period of damage, especially in the growth of Chinese cabbage and the later period. The cause of soft rot is bacteria of the genus Eubacterium. The bacteria are mainly transmitted through insects, rain, and irrigation water and invade the host from the wound. All the factors that cause Chinese cabbage to form wounds or make the wounds less likely to heal, are prone to soft rot when the soil temperature is high and it is rainy and humid. Cabbage contains more nitrate in its leaves, and its content increases significantly after rot. Once ingested in large quantities, it will be reduced to nitrite and poisoned by intestinal bacteria. Mainly manifested as dizziness, vomiting, etc., severe breathing difficulties, blood pressure decreased.
How to prevent cabbage rotten? 1 selection of disease-resistant varieties. In general, the straight type and the Qing Gang type are more resistant to disease. 2 Earlier cultivating sunburn and applying organic fertilizer. Small high ridge cultivation, appropriate sowing. 3 Timely drainage after rain, fertilizer and water management should be coordinated to avoid excessive and excessive soil. Don't flood the water during the period of your heart. 4 Early eradication of various pests that cause wounds. Such as yellow striped flea beetle, cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, coccus leafhopper, earthworm and cabbage night robber. 5 timely removal of diseased plants. Serious diseased plants found in the field should be timely harvested or removed to reduce the source of disease and prevent the spread. Especially before heavy rain or before irrigation should be checked and dealt with. After removing the diseased plants, limestone can be sterilized by spraying. 6 chemical control. Before the onset or early onset of the disease can be sprayed to prevent the spread of the disease. Spraying should focus on the mildly infected plants and the surrounding plants. Pay attention to the petiole and stem base near the surface.
The commonly used pharmaceuticals include: household streptomycin 200ppm, energetic powder 500 ~ 600 times, 50% Daisen ammonium 600 ~ 800 times, antibacterial agent "401" 500 ~ 600 liquid. At present, the use of Caifengning B1, which is popularized in production, has a good effect in controlling soft rot.
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