Breeding of Hybrid Striped Barley

Seed cultivation
(1) Preparation of a pond. Seed pool area 10/15 hectares to 25/15 hectares, water depth 1.5 to 2 meters. Three weeks before the fry were released, the pool water was drained and the bottom of the pool was exposed. Lime water was splashed at the bottom of the pool and zooplankton was fertilized one week later. Fertilizers and chemical fertilizers are usually mixed and applied. Generally, ammonium nitrate (containing 52% of N) and phosphoric acid (containing 32% of P2O5) are applied to the fertilizer. The amount of fertilization depends on the specific conditions of the pond. Generally, 15 to 40 kg of fertilizer is applied per 1/15 hectares of fertilizer. Fertilizer is applied once a week, applying 2 kg per 1/15 hectare.
(2) Fish fry stocking and management. The stocking density of 2 to 10 days old fry is between 16700 and 33300 per l/15 ha. Every morning, evening and evening, the ponds are surveyed once and the water temperature and dissolved oxygen are measured. When the dissolved oxygen is less than 4 mg/l, the aerator is to be opened. In addition, to maintain pH, alkalinity, hardness, water temperature, etc. in the appropriate range to ensure its rapid growth. To prevent mutual food, every 1-2 days are sorted by size and kept in separate ponds.
(3) feed feeding. 14 to 21 days of fry to carry out the biological feed to pellet feed transition. After 28 days of age, all pellet feeds were fed. The particle size should be suitable for fry feeding, feed protein content of 38% to 50%, adjusted with different growth stages. The daily feeding amount is 15% to 30% of the total body weight of the fish.
(4) Capture and transport. When the fry reaches 30-45 days of age, the first-phase fingerlings (1 g or more) are cultured, and the nets are drained or drained for harvest, sold as commercial fish species, or transferred to Phase II fingerlings (from 45 days of age To body weight 125-225 grams). This stage also needs to be graded frequently to avoid residual food and improve the survival rate. When transported, brackish water was used to reduce the death of fish species. The bag was oxygenated in a plastic bag and placed in a polystyrene foam box.

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FD Chicken Vegetable Fruit Mixed Cube,FD Apple,FD Kiwifruit

Eastan Pet ,