Anti-inflammatory new use of diabetes drugs

Anti-inflammatory new use of diabetes drugs

November 16, 2016 Source: WuXi PharmaTech

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Recently, researchers at the University of Glasgow and the University of Bradford revealed a new inflammatory response-related signaling pathway and found two common drugs – the metformin methotrexate and salicylic acid (the main source of aspirin). Ingredients) can effectively strengthen this pathway to relieve the inflammatory response. This achievement was published in the recent Science publication "Science Signaling".

Researchers plan to continue this in-depth study to eventually advance to clinical trials. “Although still in the early laboratory stage,” the author of the article, Professor Timothy M. Palmer of the University of Bradford, said: “Our research reveals a new biochemical process that suggests a possible diabetes drug. A new use, namely the treatment of diseases caused by abnormal activation of JAK kinase.

JAK kinase mediates inflammatory responses in a variety of tissues. When inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 act on receptors on the cell surface, the downstream JAK-STAT signaling pathway activates the inflammatory response and promotes cell survival and migration. However, an excessive or persistent inflammatory response can cause disease, which may be due to external signals, or may be due to mutations in JAK that cause abnormal activation, which is associated with the development of diseases such as cancer.

In vitro cell lines, the researchers found that another kinase, AMPK, involved in cellular metabolic regulation, phosphorylates the Ser515 and Ser518 sites on JAK1 kinase, thereby inhibiting its kinase activity, even including JAK1 mutations, thereby Activation acts as a "brake." At the same time, as a known AMPK agonist, metformin and salicylic acid can enhance the phosphorylation inhibition of JAK1 by AMPK, thereby weakening the downstream JAK-STAT signaling pathway.

Professor Timothy M. Palmer said: "We found that activation of AMPK significantly inhibited the downstream signaling pathway of JAK, and this effect appears to be unattainable by direct acting JAK inhibitors."

The researchers believe that this method will be equally applicable to other abnormal activation of JAK kinase subtypes and related diseases.

“We can develop treatments for multiple diseases based on this,” said Ian Salt, MD, of the University of Glasgow. “The AMPK can be activated by a variety of existing diabetes drugs, so we can investigate whether these drugs are Can be used in the treatment of a variety of inflammation-related diseases."

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